Retrieve Data

To retrieve insights by Photon Commerce

Access extracted JSON of uploaded files

Fetch the JSON content of already processed files without needing to re-upload the document.

curl -H "CLIENT-ID:<your-client-id>" \
  -H "AUTHORIZATION:apikey <your-username>:<your-api-key>" \
  -H 'PASSWORD:<your-password>' \
  -H "SECRET-KEY:<your-secret-key" \ 

Fetch JSON content


Fetch JSON content of a specific file by passing the file id as a query parameter. Send a GET request using the same authentication technique(using username, password, api key, client id and secret key) to fetch the json data for previously uploaded invoices/receipts using the photon_key.

Query Parameters


    "Account_Number": "", 
    "Bill_To_Address": "100 E Graham Place\nBurbank CA 91502", 
    "Bill_To_Name": "HARTELL", 
    "Card_Number": "", 
    "Category": "Warehouse", 
    "Currency_Code": "USD", 
    "Date": "2020-10-05", 
    "Discount": 0.0, 
    "Due_Date": "", 
    "Invoice_Number": "7862", 
    "Line_Items": [
        "Amount": 432.0, 
        "Description": "Sales Order: 38587", 
        "Line": 1, 
        "Price": 432.0, 
        "QTY": 1.0, 
        "SKU": "100445", 
        "Unit": ""
        "Amount": 0.0, 
        "Description": "100445 / MOTOR 208/230VAC\nSHADED POLE BASED ON", 
        "Line": 2, 
        "Price": 0.0, 
        "QTY": 1.0, 
        "SKU": "", 
        "Unit": ""
        "Amount": 0.0, 
        "Description": "NEW CONNECTOR", 
        "Line": 3, 
        "Price": 0.0, 
        "QTY": 1.0, 
        "SKU": "100220", 
        "Unit": ""
        "Amount": 0.0, 
        "Description": "MADE IN CHINA HTS\n8501.40.4040", 
        "Line": 4, 
        "Price": 0.0, 
        "QTY": 1.0, 
        "SKU": "100445", 
        "Unit": ""
    "PO_Number": "2393905", 
    "Payment_Display_Name": "", 
    "Payment_Terms": "", 
    "Payment_Type": "", 
    "Phone_Number": "585-398-2000", 
    "Raw_Text": "Global Point Technology\t\tPhone::\t585.398.2000\n5815 County Road 41\t\t\tFax:\t585.398.2025\nFarmington NY 14425\n\tUSA\nGLOBAL POINT\nTECHNOLOGY\nPack Slip: 7862\t\t\t\tPacking Slip\t\t\tPage:\t1 of 1\nShip To:\t\t\t\t\t\tSold To:\nHARTELL\t\t\t\t\t\tMilton Roy - Flow Control Division\n100 E Graham Place\t\t\t\t\t201 Ivyland Road\nBurbank CA 91502\t\t\t\t\tIvyland PA 18974 USA\nUSA\n\nPhone:\t\t\t\t\t\tPhone:\nFax:\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFax:\nEmail:\t\t\t\t\t\t\tEmail:\nPO:\t2393905\tShip Via:\tRECON LOGISTICS\tFOB:\tGlobal Point Tech. USA\nShip Date: 5/20/2020\tTracking No:\t\t\tSales Rep: House Account\n\nLine\tPlanned Qty\tShipped Qty\tBackorder\tPart Number\t\tRevision\n\nSales Order: 38587\n1\t432.00\t432.00\t0.00 100445\n\t100445 / MOTOR 208/230VAC\n\tSHADED POLE BASED ON\n\t100220 NEW CONNECTOR\n\t100445 MADE IN CHINA HTS:\n\t8501.40.4040", 
    "Reference_Number": "VBCBB-3659", 
    "Shipping": 0.0, 
    "Subtotal": 0.0, 
    "Tax": 0.0, 
    "Tip": 0.0, 
    "Total": 0.0, 
    "Tracking_Number": "", 
    "Vat_Number": "", 
    "Vendor_Account_Number": "", 
    "Vendor_Address": "5815 Co Rd 41, Farmington, NY 14425, USA", 
    "Vendor_Address_Line": "5815 41", 
    "Vendor_Bank_Name": "", 
    "Vendor_Bank_Number": "", 
    "Vendor_City": "Farmington", 
    "Vendor_Company": "", 
    "Vendor_Name": "Global Point Technology USA", 
    "Vendor_Phone": "585-398-2000", 
    "Vendor_Recipient": "", 
    "Vendor_State": "NY", 
    "Vendor_Zipcode": "14425", 
    "photon_key": "data/app/20201005_142803_PDT_I1.json"

The follow describes the complete fields and value types. For an example response, please see the above "Response" tab.

		# invoice info
		"Invoice_Number": "<invoice number>",
		"PO_Number": "<purchase order>",
		"Date": "<invoice date yyyy-MM-dd>",
		"Payment_Terms": "<interpreted terms, e.g. Net-30>",
		"Due_Date": "<invoice due date yyyy-MM-dd>",
		"Currency_Code": "<currency code e.g. USD>",
		"Discount": < decimal percent discount > ,
	  "Vat_Number": "<tax number e.g. 12‑3456789>",
		# purchase info
	  "Total": <decimal dollar amount> ,
		"Shipping": <decimal dollars found for shipping> ,
		"Subtotal": <decimal pretax dollars subtotal>,
		"Tax": <decimal dollars found for tax> ,
		"Tip": <decimal dollars found for tip> ,
		"Line_Items": [{
			"Line": <integer incrementing counter> ,
			"SKU": <parsed SKU code>,
			"Description": <raw description>,
			"QTY": <decimal number of units>,
			"Unit": <unit of measure>,
			"Price": <decimal unit price > ,
			"Amount": <decimal total pricing>
		"Tracking_Number": "<shipment info>",
		# recipient/payer info
		"Account_Number": <payer account number>,
		"Bill_To_Name": <payer company name>,
		"Bill_To_Recipient": <payer name>,
		"Bill_To_Address": <payer address>,
		"Bill_To_Address_Line": <parsed payer address line 1>,
		"Bill_To_City": <parsed payer city>,
		"Bill_To_State": <parsed payer state>,
		"Bill_To_Zipcode": <parsed payer postal code>,
		"Card_Number": <payment credit card number if present>,
		"Payment_Display_Name": <fulltext of payment card info if present e.g. ***9999>,
		"Payment_Type": <inferred payment method e.g. Visa>,	

		# vendor info
		"Vendor_Account_Number": <bank account number>,
		"Vendor_Bank_Name": <Bank name for payment routing>,
		"Vendor_Bank_Number": <Bank acct # for payment routing>,
		"Vendor_Name": <invoice issuing vendor name>,
		"Vendor_Address": <Full unparsed address of vendor company>,
		"Vendor_Recipient": <personal name of the vendor>,
		"Vendor_Address_Line": <parsed address line 1 and 2>,
		"Vendor_City": <parsed city>,
		"Vendor_State": <full state e.g. California or state code e.g. CA>,
		"Vendor_Zipcode": <parsed postal code>,
		"Vendor_Phone": <vendor phone number - raw>,
		"Phone_Number": <payer phone number>,
		"All_Email_Addresses": <comma-separated list of emails found in invoice>,
		# Photon info
		"Category": <interpretation of document type>,
		"Raw_Text": <full parsed text>,
		"Reference_Number": <internal photon ref #>,
		"photon_key": <photon file location>

Last updated